Alexander N. Wilson

Winter Term 2024: Tabletop Games

In Oberlin's 2024 Winter term I supervised a few students designing games. Below are blurbs from the students about the subjects of their projects. I was one of the players in the beta tests of Misfits and bounced some ideas about the balancing of Perpetual Motion, but my contributions were minuscule compared to the great efforts the students put into these projects.

Misfits (Sam Thiel)

Misfits is a Tabletop Roleplaying game designed by Sam Thiel. Inspired by games like Dungeons and Dragons and Blades in the Dark, Misfits combines classical fantasy elements with player-enabling and narrative-focused action systems. Misfits' characters are teenagers and young adults exploring a modernized fantasy world and interacting with the different factions within it, both big and small. The characters are encouraged to punch up against oppressive systems in the world, to develop their own skills and knowledge, and to have as much fun as possible.

Every player in Misfits is a mage, and while the origin of your powers may differ from other players', the core limitation on what spells you can cast is your own imagination. Misfits features a qualitative spellcasting system which removes the need for long and restrictive spell lists. The narrative action system of the game then allows those newly created spells to be quickly applied to interesting and novel situations.

In January 2025, Misfits had its first Closed Beta test as project during Oberlin's Winter Term. Twelve new players, sorted into three groups, were introduced to the rules of the game and played though 3–4 session-long mini-campaigns in order to test the mechanics, flavor, and accessibility of the game. Though the game is still incomplete, all play testers in the January 2025 Beta reported that the game was easy to learn and fun to play, and the shortcomings of the game in the first Beta have informed extensive updates to the rules of the game and their presentation.

Perpetual Motion (Madeline Jester)

Perpetual Motion is a high-complexity game themed around a competition to construct a perpetual motion machine in a magical steampunk city, represented in-game by a resource-producing infinite loop of game actions. It's conceptualized as a trading card game right now, but that's open to change.

Perpetual Motion is available for testing now.

This site was last updated on February 24, 2025. It was created using Jekyll with interactive components running on p5.js.